
    Genre(s): Comedy, Seinen

    Updated Time: Oct 03, 2023

  • Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou

    Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou

    Ootsuki, the foreman of the underground debt-slave labor camp, is finally using his one-day vacation above ground. The blacksuits of the Teiai Corporation follow him to make sure he doesn't escape, but are constantly baffled by the completely mundane ways he decides to use his time.


    Updated Time: Dec 11, 2023

  • Life In Tokyo Ichijou

    Life In Tokyo Ichijou

    Ichijou Seiya is a young prodigy who is the manager of the Teiai underground casino and the creator of the diabolical pachinko machine \"The Bog.\" Before his fight to the death with his nemesis, Itou Kaiji, he had a smoldering youth and was unable to make anything of himself. The story is set in Ooyama, Itabashi, Tokyo, a \"bog\" that has swallowed up all the dreams, hopes, and despairs of young people, and is about the ambitions and difficulties of freelancer Ichijou and his younger colleague Murakami who move into the capital and live in a tiny apartment.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Slice Of Life

    Updated Time: Mar 08, 2024

  • One Day Outing Foreman

    One Day Outing Foreman

    At a certain prison under the surface, the \"bottom of the bottom\" that is the Teiai Underground Labor Facility, there is a man who uses his \"one-day outing passes\" to go above ground and enjoy all the luxuries of life while living in the poor conditions of the underground. His name is Ootsuki, and he is the leader of Squad E and a master of enjoying himself all day long with eating, drinking, and having a great time.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Slice Of Life, Cooking

    Updated Time: 5 hours ago