Smiley (HATTORI Mitei) Manga

Genre(s): Seinen(M) , Psychological


Yuushi Kamome is a freelance writer who lost his beloved daughter in an accident. In despair, his wife leaves him, and he spends his days like a shell of a man. One day, however, a flyer from a strange religious group, the “Heart Laughing Society,“ changes his fate. It shows the image of his wife, whom he has lost touch with...

Yuushi Kamome is a freelance writer who lost his beloved daughter in an accident. In despair, his wife leaves him, and he spends his days like a shell of a man. One day, however, a flyer from a strange religious group, the “Heart Laughing Society,“ changes his fate. It shows the image of his wife, whom he has lost touch with...

Smiley (HATTORI Mitei) Chapter List