Princess Naihe Is Too Black-Bellied Manga

Princess Naihe Is Too Black-Bellied

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Alternative(s):Princess Naihe Is Too Black-Bellied




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Genre(s): Historical , Long Strip , Romance , Drama , Fantasy , Web Comic , Full Color


Chu Qitong thought that he would stay in the palace all his life and play with those shady schemes, until he met Ning Zhuangyan. That girl in a red dress broke into her heart unquestionably like the scorching sun, letting her know that besides rights in this world, there is another thing called love. Chu Qitong: In the past, I did all my tricks to win the throne for Aze, but now I\'m doing everything I can to exchange your peace for the rest of my life. Ning Zhuangyan: My sweetheart is a beautiful girl who can overwhelm the country and the city. She can\'t give me a phoenix crown and Xiapei, and she can\'t ride a tall horse to marry me, but that day at the Golden Luan Hall, she held my hand with all eyes on her. The moment I saw her, I knew she was better than thousands of good people in the world.

Chu Qitong thought that he would stay in the palace all his life and play with those shady schemes, until he met Ning Zhuangyan. That girl in a red dress broke into her heart unquestionably like the scorching sun, letting her know that besides rights in this world, there is another thing called love. Chu Qitong: In the past, I did all my tricks to win the throne for Aze, but now I\'m doing everything I can to exchange your peace for the rest of my life. Ning Zhuangyan: My sweetheart is a beautiful girl who can overwhelm the country and the city. She can\'t give me a phoenix crown and Xiapei, and she can\'t ride a tall horse to marry me, but that day at the Golden Luan Hall, she held my hand with all eyes on her. The moment I saw her, I knew she was better than thousands of good people in the world.