Heart of Thorns Manga

Heart of Thorns

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Artist:Lily Club (橘姬社)


Status: Ongoing

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Genre(s): Monsters , Demons , Long Strip , Drama , Fantasy , Monster Girls , Web Comic , Full Color


One day, Liu Hai happened upon a dilapidated magic book. When she imitated the wizard in the magic book to create a magic circle, she accidentally summoned a monster girl named Chi Liu. Chi Liu is the source of strength in the country of Chi. She had been imprisoned for a long time and finally managed to escape. While Liu Hai in the human world was experimenting with the magic circle, the two met...

One day, Liu Hai happened upon a dilapidated magic book. When she imitated the wizard in the magic book to create a magic circle, she accidentally summoned a monster girl named Chi Liu. Chi Liu is the source of strength in the country of Chi. She had been imprisoned for a long time and finally managed to escape. While Liu Hai in the human world was experimenting with the magic circle, the two met...

Heart of Thorns Chapter List
The series Heart of Thorns contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18. Please click here to continue the reading.